Administrative screen for the WatchMon supervisor hardware, and how to understand the various fields available to configure the Critical Battery OK Control Logic.
Navigate to this screen via the Control Logic option on the Menu then choosing the Critical tab. Editing only available when in Technician mode.
Depending on state will engage or disengage the contactor, this is only for an emergency event when the charging / discharging and other control triggers have been ignored. The thresholds are wider that the normal operating parameters.
Will adopt the state calculated based on thresholds specified.
Will force the system state to ON.
Will force the system state to OFF.
Ensures that the state change from ON to OFF (BattOk) must extend beyond the period specified in seconds.
Ensures that the state change from OFF to ON (BattOk) must extend beyond the period specified in seconds.
Cell voltage threshold that is OK to operate, if below will change state when monitoring is enabled. Output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
Cell voltage threshold that is OK to operate, if above will change state when monitoring is enabled. Output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
Cell temperature threshold that is OK to operate, if below will change state when monitoring is enabled. Output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
Cell temperature threshold that is OK to operate, if above will change state when monitoring is enabled. Output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
WatchMon supervisor temperature threshold that is OK to operate, if below will change state when monitoring is enabled. Output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
WatchMon supervisor temperature threshold that is OK to operate, if above will change state when monitoring is enabled. Output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
WatchMon supply voltage threshold that is OK to operate, if below will change state when monitoring is enabled, the output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
WatchMon supply voltage threshold that is OK to operate, if the above will change state when monitoring is enabled, the output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
Shunt voltage threshold that is OK to operate, if below will change state when monitoring is enabled, the output is connected to the Critical Contactor. This value is both when idle and under discharge/charge currents.
Shunt voltage threshold that is OK to operate, if above will change state when monitoring is enabled, the output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
Shunt voltage threshold that is OK to operate when the current is idle (battery at rest), if below will change state when monitoring is enabled, the output is connected to the Critical Contactor.
Monitor the charging threshold below the maximum current when enabled, alternatively, this can be calculated as a C-Rate of the nominal cell capacity Ah rating. Effectively a smart circuit breaker, however, mechanical relay/contactors have a finite operating life when switching to large DC current. This practice is not recommended and is only fail-safe.
Monitor the discharging threshold below the maximum current when enabled and discharging, alternatively, this can be calculated as a C-Rate of the nominal cell capacity Ah rating. Effectively a smart circuit breaker, however, mechanical relay/contactors have a finite operating life when switching to large DC current. This practice is not recommended and is only fail-safe.
Current reading from Shunt and nominal battery capacity.
Flashes as status telemetry is received (hovering over will display time received).
Flashes when setup configuration is received (hover over will display time received).
Brings up extra parameters pop-up screen.
Pressing the Edit button will make the options UNDO - SAVE and DEFAULT buttons available. This button opens fields to editing, only available when in Technician mode.
Restores values to last saved values and returns to read-only mode.
Saves values into the system and returns to read-only mode. This only works when connected by a USB. If saving whilst connected via WiFi the following Error message appears.
Restore values to default.