Technician admin screen for the WatchMon supervisor hardware to configure the targets transmitted to the remote/external equipment (charger/inverter).
Beyond the software version 2.17.9, this has been enhanced to ramp down the targets when full or empty, to be more gentle on the batteries to avoid the balancing overshoot.
New fields (highlighted in yellow), are available once you have selected template Ramped Targets and have enabled limited charge and discharge on their respective screens.
The ramp-down targets for both charging and discharge are available for inverters that accept the CANbus profile:
For inverters that only have Full / Bulk / High power and limited trickle power when needing to balance:
This screen is accessed via the Control Logic option on the Menu, then choosing the Remote tab. Editing only available when in Technician mode.
Target voltage setting to be sent to the external system when in a high power / normal charging state.
Target current setting to be sent to the external system when in a high power / normal charging state.
Target power (VA) setting to be sent to the external system when in a high power / normal charging state.
Target voltage setting to be sent to the external system when in a low/limited power charging state.
Target current setting to be sent to the external system when in low/limited power charging state
Voltage values are stored as an unsigned int16 with values of 1, 10, or 100, these are used to scale the decimal places. When selecting the appropriate communication integration these values are remapped if required. If this field is not visible, then change the template to Advanced, adjust and save. And then return to the original desired template.
When a CANbus profile is changed, and when you press the default mode on the screen, it will adjust this value to suit the equipment.
Current (Amp) are stored as an unsigned int16 with values of 1, 10, or 100, these are used to scale the decimal places. When selecting the appropriate communication integration these values are remapped if required. If this field is not visible, then change the template to Advanced, adjust and save. And then return to the original desired template.
When a CANbus profile is changed, and when you press the default mode on the screen, it will adjust this value to suit the equipment.
Power (VA) are stored as an unsigned int16 with values of 1, 10, or 100, these are used to scale the decimal places. When selecting the appropriate communication integration these values are remapped if required. If this field is not visible, then change the template to Advanced, adjust and save. And then return to the original desired template.
When a CANbus profile is changed, and when you press the default mode on the screen, it will adjust this value to suit the equipment.
Current values received from the external remote system (if available).
Time when information was received from the external system.
Value received from the external remote system (if available).
If the value shown is zero (0) or NS (Not Supplied) or NA (Not Applicable), this means this value has not been sent to the BMS. This does not mean there is an issue. This field is optional in the protocol and only a select few manufacturers or only some of their products have this functionality.
Value received from the external remote system (if available).
If the value shown is zero (0) or NS (Not Supplied) or NA (Not Applicable), this means this value has not been sent to the BMS. This does not mean there is an issue. This field is optional in the protocol and only a select few manufacturers or only some of their products have this functionality.
Value received from the external remote system (if available).
If the value shown is zero (0) or NS (Not Supplied) or NA (Not Applicable), this means this value has not been sent to the BMS. This does not mean there is an issue. This field is optional in the protocol and only a select few manufacturers or only some of their products have this functionality.
Target voltage transmitted to the external remote system.
Target current value transmitted to the external remote system.
Target power value transmitted to the external remote system.
Actual temperature received from the external remote system (if available).
Current state from the discharging control logic (Off, Limited Power, High Power).
Target voltage setting to be sent to the external system when in a high power / normal discharging state.
Target current setting to be sent to the external system when in a high power / normal discharging state.
Target power (VA) setting to be sent to the external system when in a high power / normal discharging state.
Target voltage setting to be sent to the external system when in a low/limited power discharging state.
Target current setting to be sent to the external system when in a low/limited power discharging state.
Target power (VA) setting to be sent to the external system when in a low/limited power discharging state.
Voltage values are stored as an unsigned int16 with values from 0 to 65535, these are scaled to adjust for the decimal point. When selecting the appropriate communication integration these values are remapped if required.
Currents (amps) values are stored as an unsigned int16 with values from 0 to 65535, these are scaled to adjust for the decimal point. When selecting the appropriate communication integration these values are remapped if required.
Power (VA) values are stored as an unsigned int16 with values from 0 to 65535, these are scaled to adjust for the decimal point. When selecting the appropriate communication integration these values are remapped if required.
Current values received from the external remote system (if available).
Value received from the external remote system (if available).
Value received from the external remote system (if available).
Value received from the external remote system (if available).
Target voltage transmitted to the external remote system.
Target current value transmitted to the external remote system.
Target power value transmitted to the external remote system.
Time when information was received from the external system.
Actual temperature received from the external remote system (if available).
Flashes as status telemetry is received (hover over will display time received).
Flashes when setup configuration is received (hover over will display time received).
This button opens fields to editing, only available when in Technician mode.
Restores values to last saved values and returns to read-only mode.
Saves values into the system and returns to read-only mode. This only works when connected by a USB. If saving whilst connected via WiFi the following Error message appears.
Restore values to default.
This allows you to change the scaling.
Pressing this button calls up the knowledge base on this screen.