This is used if a Charging Primary schedule is in place so that if at a time where it can be ON the limits are checked
This is used if a Charging Alternative schedule is in place so that if at a time where it can be ON the limits are checked
This is used if a Discharging Primary schedule is in place so that if at a time where it can be ON the limits are checked
This is used if a Discharging Alternative schedule is in place so that if at a time where it can be ON the limits are checked
Flashes as status telemetry is received (hover over will display time received).
Flashes when setup configuration is received (hover over will display time received).
This button opens fields to editing, only available when in Technician mode.
Restores values to last saved values and returns to read only mode.
Saves values into system and return to read only mode. This only works when connected by a USB. If saving whilst connected via WiFi the following Error message appears.
Restore values to default.
Pressing this button calls up the knowledge base on this screen.