CAUTION: Example below has values shown for a demo LiFePO4 cell pack. Ensure you adopt values suitable to your application.
Note: 120 Ohm resistor shares CANbus High and CANbus Low
NB: Add 120 ohm terminating resistor to charging plug.
Open the WatchMon Toolkit and navigate to the Integration Settings by clicking the Menu then Hardware and select Integration Tab.
Select CANbus protocol to ElconTcCharger and Save.
On WatchMon Toolkit, navigate to Control Logic menu, then Charging tab.
Adjust the charging control logic to suit the application.
Navigate to Hardware, then CellMon tab.
Adjust the CellMon Bypass Voltage to suit the application.
Note: Make sure to "Device Sync" the changes to the CellMons.
Navigate to the Remote tab on the Control Logic screen.
Navigate to Telemetry, then Live Stats to observe system operation.