Administrative screen for the WatchMon supervisor hardware, and how to understand the various fields available to configure the hardware integration settings.
Navigate to the screen via the Hardware Menu option and choose the Integration tab. Editing is only available when in 'Technician' mode.
With version 2.0 we have introduced counters for WiFi/USB diagnostics and some new inverters.
Settings include an ON/OFF broadcast switch and an active light as well as the ability to choose the protocol from a list.
Settings include an ON/OFF broadcast switch and an active light as well as the ability to choose the protocol from a list. Some diagnostics have been added so that we can better track what is happening.
The option for WiFi includes the following options. Some of these options are new with version 2.0 of the software to allow more flexibility.
Settings include an ON/OFF broadcast switch and an activity status. Some diagnostics have been added so that we can better track what is happening.
Flashes as status telemetry is received (hovering over will display time received).
Flashes when setup configuration is received (hover over will display time received).
This button opens fields to editing, only available when in Technician mode.
Restores values to last saved values and returns to read-only mode.
Saves values into the system and returns to read-only mode. This only works when connected by a USB. If saving whilst connected via WiFi the following Error message appears.
Restore values to default.
Pressing this button calls up the knowledge base on this screen.
When changing the CANbus profile in the Integration Tab, make sure to update the scaling on the Control Logic: Remote.
The scaling needs to be set to 'Default' after changing protocols to make it compatible with the selected profile. Then click ‘Save’.
Remember: If you change the CANbus profile without re-running the SETUP: Wizard, you will need to run the defaults on the control remote to ensure that the scaling is set correctly.